Steak -M: monoclular trichinoscope

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Monocular trichinoscope STEAK-M -  designed for control of trichinellasis in slaghter meat and game meat. and other microscopic examinations as well. Illumination via reflective mirror allows to work with the device at natural light and with other light sources.

  Trichinoscope is equipped with Huggens oculars. 

Steak-M  can be used in - house at laboratory rooms, and in mobile labs as well.  Users are meat plants, marketplace labs; food control authorities, slaughter houses, etc.

Method of control is examination of meat samples in compressorium.

No power supply is needed

Magnification, fold (X)………………........................… …...50,100,160

Overal size, not over, mm:


width.................................................... ..…........………..250


Weight of the device...........................…....................3

Table for compressorium, mm.................… …135х240

Diameter of reflective mirror, mm…………………… ….50

Number of compressoriums in one set ...............1 pc.