Thin layer chromatography camera UFK-HD

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The table top dark room (analytic cabinet) is effective in thin layer chromatography under 254 nm and 365 nm light exitation. Uniform and intensive distribution of light is achieved by using high power UV LEDs, having 20 W and 15 W power, respectively.

Both visual observation through bi-ocular, and industrial camera view are possible.

Big size and opened acsess to plates in the dark room allow the operator to put marks over samples by pencil, without removing them from dark room.

The device can be used in normal laboratory environment, without darkening the room.

Eyes of operator are protected from scattered and reflected UV by glass filter (transparent), cutting off over 99% of UV shorter than 380 nm.

Exitation wavelengths         254 and 365 nm

Power of 254 nm LEDs        20W

Power of 365 nm LEDs        15 W

Size of uniform illumination    200 x 200 mm

Type of exitation filters:        Spectral-selective UV glass    

Type of eye protection filters: spectral - selective non - colored(transparent) glass with 380 nm cut-off edge    

Portion of visual light inside the cabinet     less than 1 Lux                

Camera resolution                5 Mp

Size                                         540x330x240 mm

Weight, not over                   10 kg

Visualisation and documentation of results of thin layer chromatography.  With simple software, images of TLC plates can be recorded, stored, compared.  The positions of TLC pattern are measured, and Rf coefficients calculated .

The UFK - HD can be optionally supplied with Full HD display, or Industrial PC with 12 inch touch -sence screen.

Special software is supplied with the UFK-HD device, allowing operator to grab the images from video camera, and proceed with measurements of TLC samples, distances between points and solvent start line + fronts.  This is the way to determine the "Retention factor", usually called Rf for short. See the screenshot below. These measurements result in calculation of Rf of different compounds that are combinded in various substances.

Please, find 10 minutes ofYour time to see this short video:

In this short presentation by kind permission from  Capilano University ( ,

You can find short explanations about the thin layer chromatography method - how it operates in general.